# Plug-ins
Click me ### Heading * Baz * Qux ### Heading 1. Foo 2. Bar * Baz * Qux ### Some Code ```js function logSomething(something) { console.log('Something', something); } ```

Probably a unique entry on Blender notes is a separate page for plug-ins. The thing that makes it a strong contender on other DCC is the ecosystem of plugins. They are developed by different parties. If it is isolated, then it just works. Might be crashing. Since you have different parts of schedule. A lot of avialable. It seems like any time Hardops Decalmachine Grove3D ivy gen 3d cursor. ivy gen to generate the branch but yse particle system to generate the leveas # Grasswald - But to get a natural feel, it’s quite important you use at least 4 or 5 different species. - You can also play with Graswald settings; So far I usually tweak a bit the age, the percentage, maybe the translucency and dead patches if available (this last feature seems to be more grass related)